The new year is the perfect time to set bold goals and surround yourself with the people who can help you achieve them that support your growth and impact.
Let’s create a movement of F.I.T. women—Female Inspired Transformation. For aspiring and experienced female leaders. You Were Made For More.
Today was gym day. And as a diehard lipstick-loving gymshark.
I want to help break the stigma of going to the gym and the health benefits of strength training for women. Because getting fit is at the top of most people’s New Year’s hit list.
After all, your health is your wealth. So whatever your fitness struggle be it:
- a battle of the bulge
- lose the mum tum
- it’s all menopause and muffin tops
- shed those hideous bingo wings
- or cellulite has a stranglehold on you
There is no pain greater than achieving a fitness goal. What give up carbs? Learn about nutrition? Count macros?!
Health and fitness goals are one of the hardest to crush. They require drive, discipline, determination and consistency, it’s a killer right!?
Because why would you knowingly put yourself through physical pain? We weren’t born to exercise. As hunters and gatherers, we eat to survive, period.
The Pros of Getting Gym Fit
● The before and after shots to die for.
● The nod of approval from fellow gym goers when your transformation doesn’t go unnoticed.
I once had a bodybuilder dude come up to me after a year of training and he said I’d lost weight and that I was fat before (I wasn’t) he had just noticed my before and after.
● The ugly gym face you’re allowed to pull.
● That post-workout feeling, and endorphin rush that lasts all day.
● That laser-sharp focus that puts you in your zone of genius, where you produce your best work. With intuitive hits and inspirational downloads on tap, you’d think you had been sprinkled with fairy dust.
The Newbie On The Gym Floor
People prefer the certainty of their current situation rather than the uncertainty of change. Success can make us more visible when we sometimes feel safer staying out of the public eye.
● Folks give you the side eye in the aerobics studio because you don’t know your left from your right, and all you seem to do is get in everyone’s way. Even though you’re already hiding in the back row.
● Painful school memories of PE lessons come flooding back stirring up all your insecurities.
The physical and psychological pain would put anyone off their gym game.
A Lesson in Consistency
It’s more of a mental game than a physical one.
For example, how to hold a 60-second plank without face planting the floor.
● Mon – start at 30-seconds
● Tue – add on 5 seconds
● Wed – add on 5 seconds
● Thur – add on 5 seconds
● Fri – add on 5 seconds
● Sat – add on 5 seconds
● Sun – add on 5 seconds. Goal reached.
Rinse and repeat.
Apply this strategy to walking, running, cycling, swimming and ALL your 2025 goals.
You climb a mountain one stone at a time.
Arbitrary long-term goals are not motivating. You need to find something that moves you NOW. Short-term goals are how you get motivated and start to develop discipline.
Achieving the goal isn’t the goal. Learning about your limitations while you pursue the goal, is the goal. This is how you get stronger, fitter, faster.
Mental Health Needs Physical Support
Going to the gym is part of your life because you don’t just go to the gym, get lean and then all of a sudden stop. It’s an integral part of your whole life.
Take inventory on the way you relate to your body and how you relate to your work. Notice any similarities.
A lot of our food shame and eating habits stem from our childhood, especially for girls.
Everything from:
- comfort eating
- yo-yo dieting
- counting calories
- under eating
- over eating
- binge eating and every other kinda eating
I ping-ponged from under eating (body shame issues as a teen); to eating out of boredom (trying to fill a void within); to eating for the sake of it, because I had the belief there wasn’t enough food / it would run out (linked to the money belief of there’s not enough).
Playing The Long Game
Adopt a lifestyle change. Because why should fitness be a total buzzkill?
Here are some of the health benefits of working out:
- Get Fitter, Leaner + Stronger and more confident
- Increased Energy and Focus throughout the day
- Better Sleep and Recovery
- Significantly Decrease Your Stress Levels
- Lose Weight Without Losing Joy
My physical transformation goes far beyond the walls of the gym. The entire experience has been about building mental fortitude and physical discipline, which carries over into everything.
I got into the shape of my life—hiked to Everest BC and climbed a mountain at 50 AND maintained that fitness level five years later.
My Favourite Kind of Bar—Barbells
Strength training is the BEST cellulite buster out there. Because muscle EATS fat. If that’s not an incentive enough I don’t know what is!
It not only protects your joints and ligaments as you age, it staves off osteoporosis and increases cognitive function. Strength training actually makes you smarter.
Pumping iron isn’t just for the weights either—your heart does it every day. In 2025, make a pact to work as hard for your heart as it does for you.
So, girls, it’s time to get your sweat on. Just think of those juicy glutes, smooth thighs, killer abs and sculpted arms just waiting to emerge, ready for bikini season ooh in about five months…
You Don’t Need Motivation Or Willpower—You Need A Reason
Picture this: it’s 5 am on a cold dark December morning the alarm goes off, it’s gym day, but you’re all snuggled up in your goose down.
Imagine this: it’s now 7 am. It’s light, the sun is out but you’ve missed your gym slot because you pressed snooze instead.
Then this happens: it’s 11 am and you’re starting to feel angsty and guilty because you’re kicking yourself for not working out when you had the time. If only…
Nobody wants to jump out of bed at 5 am but compare the short-term feeling of comfort to what you would feel later in the day because you didn’t work out (if you’re anything like me, irritable AF).
Which would you rather feel? Short-term comfort vs all-day mood swings?
We’d make more progress if we spent less time negotiating and bargaining with ourselves and just did the damn thing.
Exercise is meant to be fun even if it gets spicy at times, this is how you get fitter and stronger for longer. It’s not meant to be torture.
If you’re not choosing this, what are you choosing? A tub of Ben & Jerry’s on the couch?
In the slogan immortalised by Nike, Just Do It!
Discipline For High Performance
My biggest business breakthrough? Learning that self-care isn’t just about wellness it’s a high-performance tool and it starts with discipline.
Discipline isn’t punishment, it’s a choice. It breeds consistency and creates good habits that become unbreakable. And an absolute necessity if you want to perform at a high level.
It has taught me to get out of my head, to consistently show up every day and streamlined my thinking process when it comes to my business.
For the woman who wants to perform at a high level. Who wants to get fit, stay fit, remain lean, be strong. You’re not creating a fit body you’re embodying a new identity.
Being in shape raises your self-worth and confidence. So you can ask for that pay rise, go for that promotion, increase your fees, speak up at that meeting.
Being healthy allows you to have more time and energy because you’ve honed in on your values and your non-negotiable boundaries.
Now that I’ve got you all fired up with your fitness goals, what about the rest of your life?
The Ultimate Goal Setting Strategy
Coaching is a transformative journey that can change your life by helping you achieve your deepest goals and desires.
The VIP Experience is your chance to join me for an incredible year of opportunities.
Now I get it you might not want to climb a mountain or do a high altitude trek, because you do you, right? Or guarantee results like mine.
But what I can guarantee.
I’ll show you exactly how you can design your life, how to stay on track with whatever bold and audacious goals you have and make you fall in love with your life all over again.
I’m here to keep you accountable, guide you in overcoming obstacles, and help you get into alignment with your true purpose.
There’s something so motivating about putting skin in the game. Those who are fully invested and committed get better results.
Do You Trust Me With Your Goals and Dreams?
Some goals can seem so BIG and overwhelming that we give up before we even try. We don’t feel in control, fearful for our future.
The VIP Experience takes the stress of figuring it all out on your own when you’re already juggling so much. Because you don’t have the time, energy or bandwidth to go looking for the answers.
My resume reads like a rollercoaster of dreams. I use my own C.A.R.E ™ framework to achieve my goals. And I invite you to do the same.
Think about this…
What if changing your approach to goals was the key to growth instead of massive effort?
Without stress or having to micromanage. And without external events creating anxiety.
This is your cheat code to clear your blocks and attract the life you want.
This way of living exists and you can see big changes within 28 days inside the VIP Experience.
It all starts with doing life from a “flow” state.
It’s that state of being where:
● You’re fully present and your intuition is supercharged.
● You’re not bogged down by fear of failing.
● Opportunities flow in, even when you’re not trying.
It’s an unprecedented Mentor experience that allows you to slip into flow easily and stay there, so you can…
● Ditch what’s not working and upgrade the rest.
● Tune in to your deepest truths and wisdom.
● Adopt a prosperity perspective no matter what.
● Break industry norms and be on the leading edge.
Don’t miss this occasion to transcend your plateau and struggles.
So if you’re SICK AND TIRED OF BEING SICK AND TIRED of not hitting your goals and your motivation, like your metabolism, took a vacation without you, find out how High Performance Coaching can help take you to new levels. My inbox is open.
You deserve the best body and life possible. And I’m here to help you achieve it. I can’t wait to see what you’ll accomplish on the inside!