Most people are stuck with their goals not because they’re missing a strategy, but because they’re clutching onto what they think they should be doing, instead of surrendering to what actually feels right.
The energy of restriction, of over-managing, of needing to control every single step. That’s the very thing keeping you from your goals.
And when it doesn’t feel good, it shows. You pour energy into doing more, and it still feels like you’re not moving the needle.
But what if you let go?
What if you trusted the energy behind your decisions to carry you forward? That trusting inner guidance is what draws the opportunities in.
Here’s what I know:
✨ You can’t keep micromanaging your way to success and expect to feel fulfilled.
✨ You can’t keep hustling for results without honoring the energy that creates them.
✨ You can’t keep building something beautiful without letting go of what’s making it feel heavy.
Decide that the energy of being is also the energy of creating and manifesting.
Did you know that logic, what’s been proven or seen as “the” truth, doesn’t dictate your future results?
Intuition is made up of the instinctual knowledge you accumulate over the years. The deep layers of knowing, that are not always conscious. That ever happen to you? You know how to do stuff you didn’t realise you knew how to do?
What If Feelings *Are* Facts?
Feelings are tangible they make you take action yet we choose to ignore them and listen to our head only to regret it later. Your body always knows what’s right for you.
What if that nagging feeling you’ve got that you need to try something new, were actually a deep knowing, rather than a flighty whim?
What if everything you want right now is the right thing to want?
And, what if it all worked out?
What if pausing and listening to the silence within is the new luxury?
I manifest logic-defying results ALL the time. It’s not luck..it’s intentional.
- I bend time.
- Get quick turnarounds on bad situations.
- Opportunities galore.
Most of these things don’t make sense to the logical mind. Because logic didn’t generate the outcome. I don’t operate from external forces; I move from my own internal beat – my own energy, purpose and alignment.
This is representative of so many things in life from the goals I’ve achieved to the dreams I’ve fulfilled.
If I were to ask you if you knew how to run a business, you might say no. But put a business in your hands, and you might prove otherwise.
We are so much wiser than we give ourselves credit for.
Maybe that is what “trusting yourself” really means: knowing that your lifetime of accumulated knowledge is worth something, and your instincts are actually learned truths, and whatever you feel about something isn’t just a feeling, but a fact.
If you’re an overthinker and a truster-of-all-things-outside-of-youthe⭐VIP Experience⭐ is where you strengthen your inner compass. Taking you from inspiration to action. Because inspiration’s sole purpose is to move you from dreaming to doing, can you now see how intuition is strategic? It’s the first and true step in goal-setting.
My most inspired goal was starting a business. It was so left field, bat sh*t crazy, because I didn’t think about it, I felt it and just ran with it.
And what makes it even more crazy I received TWO job offers out of the blue the minute I decided I was going all in with my new venture. I could’ve chosen the familiar path and listened to logic, but I chose the unknown because of that indescribable feeling inside. You know?
When was the last time you truly listened to your body?
👉Journal prompt: If I wasn’t holding back at all and played to win, what would I do or how would I be?
Then do it. Trust your move even if it seems small, silly, crazy or bold!
You’ve got to recognise your unicorn moments from your dangling carrots. You do this by looking at the energy behind the decision you made. Did the decision come from your head (fear, safety) or from your heart (inspired, aligned)? My example illustrates this beautifully.
Learn The Language Of Your Body
Give your brain a rest. It’s overworked.
Learning to listen? That’s your superpower. The most successful people aren’t the loudest. They’re the most attuned. Subtlety can be just as impactful as boldness.
When you align with your energy, decisions feel clearer and you stop second-guessing. Your job is to TRUST the guidance you receive. Don’t focus on productivity, focus on feeling grounded. Intuition leads to momentum which creates flow that guides you to the next step.
Don’t complicate this. There is absolutely no need to try to understand if something is spiritual or strategic. Just move in FLOW.
The energy that creates worlds knows exactly what your needs and desires are.
Ask yourself WHY the download came, what’s the message?
Your soul has ONE purpose: to serve you for your highest good. It does not compromise. And the more you talk about the things you want, the more the universe has a way of bringing them to your door at the right time.
If something you’ve been manifesting is opening up for you more quickly than you thought, and maybe you don’t feel ready yet, remember that it wouldn’t be available to you if you weren’t ready yet.
Intuition stretches your capacity for deep self trust. This means it’s highly teachable through holistic practices, practical exercises, honing your EQ skills, and implementing the 3 Pillars of Feminine Leadership I teach, inside the ⭐VIP Experience⭐.
What do you think would shift in your life if you finally let go of the pressure to do it all “right” and started leaning into the art of being — being you, being honest, being magnetic?
“Your intuition will grow and expand like a majestic cloak of wisdom. Your ability to choose your battles will be fine-tuned to perfection. Your instinct for knowing what (and who) is worth your time, will grow and flourish. Prioritise the uniqueness that makes you you, and the invisible magnet that draws in other like-minded souls to dance in your orbit.” – Judi Dench
If you have a desire that’s burning a hole in your heart reach out and let’s take your life to new heights. You weren’t put on this planet to suffer, you’re here to serve. Don’t ignore that calling (whatever it looks like). Email me at hellokoser@lifelesscomplex.com.